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More over, the latest vyshyvanka has become a very popular trend goods in the Ukraine and you will past

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More over, the latest vyshyvanka has become a very popular trend goods in the Ukraine and you will past

It’s got reach getting less of a misconception just like the EuroMaidan Revolution, it is however away from becoming entirely genuine. The latest vyshyvanka is an important part off Ukraine’s federal costume, and is also true that after the wave it became a symbol, and you may an easy way to display national name and satisfaction. Even though Ukrainians regularly don vyshyvankas mainly on large occasions, and no over and over again or twice a year, most people are today proud to wear embroidered shirts otherwise clothes as the relaxed wear.

Some body wearing vyshyvankas, traditional Ukrainian embroidered tees, participate in good Vyshyvanka February establishing the Liberty Day of Ukraine within the Kyiv with the . (Kostyantyn Chernichkin)

Leggi tutto »More over, the latest vyshyvanka has become a very popular trend goods in the Ukraine and you will past